Hurricane Ida

After more than two weeks closed, Eric went to the shop on Monday for a bike rental that will probably be our only business this week. Our next booking is a night tour planned on September 25th, and then we’ll have a Creole Odyssey bicycle tour on October 1st. Ida wiped out a big part of southern Louisiana, including the legendary Karnofsky Shop (home to the young Louis Armstrong) and our tour and rental schedule.

Following a 18 months pandemic and the cancellation of the fall 2021 festivals because of the Delta Variant, this hurricane is another misfortune hitting us hard. It is a hit on our small business, as much as it is a hit on our spirits as we had expanded the team and built momentum over the last few months.

In the midst of this challenging context, we are counting our blessings: there has been minor damages to the shop or to our homes, and our team and families managed to stay safe. The linemen and disaster recovery teams did a great job in restoring power and cleaning the streets; we can see slowly but surely the city reopening and trying to get back to COVID-normal times.

Eric Gabourel

While waiting for visitors to come back and explore the city by bike, Eric and I went to Rampart Street yesterday and started an in-depth cleaning of the shop and bikes. We ordered parts for our Public bikes, brainstormed on the marketing and communication and are working hard to make sure we’re ready to deliver the excellent experience we’re known for, once business picks up.

As a newcomer to the city I, Pierre, had yet to learn how resilient New Orleanians are, how determined they are and how much they can rely on one another in these tough times.

An unexpected surprise we had turning our phones on once power and internet came back, was to read so many messages from people asking how we were doing and sending us the kindest words of love and encouragement. It is extremely heartwarming and humbling to know that we are not just another holiday experience, but that the connections we create with our guests last. This is exactly what Flambeaux is about and what gives us the strength to keep going.


